Sony's Ghost of Tsushima is set to receive an anime adaptation on Crunchyroll in 2027. The series will be based on the game's cooperative multiplayer mode Legends, inspired by Japanese folktales and ...
With Japanese animation forecast to become a $60 billion business by 2030, Sony is leveraging its assets behind the category: "We are very bullish about the overall growth of anime and what that means ...
A few industry insiders seem to think the anime industry is a bubble that might burst soon. Do we have any signs?
“It’s very clear that high-fidelity visuals are only moving the needle for a vocal class of gamers in their 40s and 5 Sony acquires 12,054,100 new KADOKAWA shares for 50 billion yen, raising ...
The consumer tech sector is thriving as it innovates to meet the demands of a tech-savvy global audience. Therefore, ...
But let's delve in deeper to see exactly what games to expect for the PS5 in 2025, as well as make a few hopeful guesses of ...
Sony has made a big investment in FromSoftware parent company Kadokawa, forming a new capital and business alliance through the acquisition by Sony of a 10% stake in the media conglomerate.
For those who were curious, other game companies Nintendo owns stock in include Bandai Namco, Kadokawa (yes, the same Kadokawa Sony is now majority stockholder of), Konami, Koei Tecmo, and DeNA. And ...
Covenant is a an ambitious project from a studio established in 2023 by developers who worked on Destiny, Halo, and Doom, among other titles.