When all forms of taxation are taken into account, a person on an average wage of about 3,700 euros could face paying a tax ...
Although the union representing pilots has not announced any further strikes, a ban on standby working may lead to some ...
Iltalehti reports on a series of stories that have hit the international press in recent weeks on over-tourism in Finnish ...
The selection of Daniela Owusu, a 20-year-old from Kirkkonummi with Finnish and Ghanaian roots, as this year's Lucia has led ...
MP Krista Kiuru (SDP) says she was punched in the face by an unknown assailant in Helsinki's Kaisaniemi Park on Friday as she ...
Video footage shot by Yle during demonstrations on Independence Day in Helsinki shows what appears to be a police officer ...
The teenage suspect stabbed a man of foreign background in a racially-motivated attack during the summer, but the court ruled ...
Finland's new nutritional guidelines call for reducing meat consumption — and that includes poultry. Finland's new dietary ...
Reports of pickpocketing incidents started coming in as the tourism season began at the beginning of December, according to ...
Sellutehtaista saatavasta biohiilidioksidista on tulossa uusi raaka-aine, joka houkuttelee tuotantolaitoksia ...
Maailman parhaat taitoluistelijat saapuvat Helsinkiin vuoden 2025 marraskuussa. Kansainvälinen luisteluliitto myönsi Suomelle ...
Yöpäivystys uhkaa loppua usealta paikkakunnalta. Tämä muutos on jo tehty 20 000 asukkaan Valkeakoskella. Kävimme katsomassa, ...