Ein kurzer Rückblick in die Geschichte der 2. Republik: Vranitzky hatte nach dem Obmann-Wechsel bei der FPÖ im Jahr 1986 die ...
At least Manuel Feller was in a good mood on Instagram after his fourth retirement in the fourth race. "Can someone look up ...
„Ric wird weiterhin für Frieden durch Stärke kämpfen“ und werde Amerika immer an die erste Stelle setzen, so Trump weiter in ...
Dass die SPÖ-regierte Gemeinde Schönau an der Triesting seit Jahren Mitgliedsbeiträge an den Sozialdemokratischen ...
"Who do you think should do it?" - This is the question that interim leader Alois Stöger is currently asking all his interlocutors in the search for a successor to Michael Lindner, who has resigned.
Strange times these are. After days of drumbeat from the ORF, the wagon castle financed by high taxes, the almost ...
Because no childcare staff can be found, the crèche in a small Innviertel community has to close again after just over a year ...
Delusions of grandeur? Incompetence? Or even a political issue between ex-president and mayor? The end of ASV Siegendorf in ...
The superstar has proven several times in recent days that Taylor Swift has a good heart. After her successful concert tour, ...
Former Federal Chancellor Franz Vranitzky (SPÖ) believes that his own doctrine, which rules out cooperation with the FPÖ - at ...
Am Samstagabend ging in Wels ein Fahrzeug mit lautem Knall in Flammen auf. Zeugen beobachteten danach einige Jugendliche, die ...
On Saturday evening, a vehicle in Wels burst into flames with a loud bang. Witnesses then observed some youths running into ...