In Fielding Questions, readers also asked about pruning lilacs and whether potatoes with green spots are safe to eat.
Children will present the story of Jesus' birth during the 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, Dec. 15, at New Hope Free Lutheran Church in Jamestown. There will also be a message from the Rev.
During the holiday season, we find ourselves surrounded by numerous types of evergreens. We see them in either tree form or ...
For a gift that keeps on giving throughout the year, consider buying a Minnesota or North Dakota annual state park vehicle permit or a gift card ...
Valley City State University assistant professor Michelle Abshire has been awarded a grant for nearly $15,000 to purchase ...
The Rev. Steve and Mary Berntson will show pictures and tell stories of their recent trip to Thailand at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18, at New Hope Free Lutheran Church in Jamestown.
A lot of banks failed in the early part of the 20th century in North Dakota. Most small towns had at least one if not two or three financial institutions along their main street.
JAMESTOWN — The District 12 delegation plans to introduce the Chinese Divestment Act in the North Dakota Legislature, which ...
North Dakota Farmers Union Insurance, based in Jamestown, announced that Mike Rene of Jamestown was a top producer of FUIC commercial insurance sales for the month of October.
JAMESTOWN — In the early going of the 2024-25 high school basketball season, I am taking a look at who I think will be some ...
Soybean disease management, variety updates and weed control research will be among the topics at the 2025 Western Soybean ...
North Dakota State University’s Carrington Research Extension Center will hold its annual NDSU Feedlot School on Jan. 22-23.