Joseph Corcoran, 49, has been on Indiana's death row since 1999. If he is put to death as scheduled Wednesday, it will be the ...
TSA dogs are highly trained to detect air currents trailing behind people, like the wake created by a boat, officials said.
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump announced Saturday that he's picked longtime foreign policy adviser ...
DENVER (AP) — Dozens of kids cheered on a festively decked-out plane in Denver on Saturday when the pilot announced their ...
With the Huskies taking care of business against Gonzaga in Madison Square Garden, UConn men's basketball coach Dan Hurley ...
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Police are trying to find out who taped a bulldog inside a trash bag and abandoned him in Des Moines.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Nancy Pelosi, expresidenta de la Cámara de Representantes, se sometió a una cirugía de reemplazo de cadera ...
OAKLAND, Wisconsin, EE.UU. (AP) — Unos 264.978 litros (70.000 galones) de petróleo de un oleoducto se derramaron en Wisconsin, informaron las autoridades.
The operations center at Fort Eisenhower issued the alert on social media with a “LOCK DOWN! LOCK DOWN!” message. “Execute lock down procedures on the installation immediately! If you are in danger ...
TIFLIS, Georgia (AP) — Una exestrella del fútbol se convertirá en presidente de Georgia el sábado mientras el partido ...
Bridgeport Acting Superintendent Royce Avery said the cash-strapped school system could save $10.5 million by eliminating 81 ...