Since the Cold War ended in 1989, fifty-two million American jobs have been created. Fifty million of them were created under Democrat presidents. If you have a 401-K or stock ...
While Democrats are engaged in the ritual of searching for answers and pointing fingers at one another, President-elect Donald J. Trump’s forces are preparing to hit the ground running, as ...
I think about the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor and the strange years that followed. I was 14, here in Coronado. My Navy father and all ...
A well-funded plan to develop a scenic but currently sewage-contaminated strip of the Mexican coast and a radical change putting the effluent burden on the American side of the border: ...
Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should.
We were exhausted by the divisive city council election. We were appalled and dismayed by the destructive personal attacks on Laura Wilkinson Sinton. In our 30-plus years here, this is ...
Whichever way you think is the right way to proceed, I urge you to make your views known by emailing Mayor-Elect John Duncan and City Councilmembers (via the City Clerk) and attending the December ...
Among all the annual festivities celebrated in our town each holiday season, one tradition is reaching an impressive ...
Just like every town in the U.S.A. when records were the way to listen to music, Coronado had a place where you could buy ...
The Coronado Philharmonia will present its fourth Christmas performance, “Holidays in Coronado,” at the Coronado Performing Arts Center. The annual Christmas concert has become a beloved ...
Hosted by the John D. Spreckels Center, this exclusive day trip to the renowned Getty Museum in Los Angeles promises a day of art, culture, and relaxation. Departing at 8:00 ...
In a recent post on Facebook, there was a discussion lamenting the state of our young citizens, unaware of the importance of ...