The Research Analytics Service (RAS) group offers services and advice on bibliometrics, scientometrics and research assessment methods. RAS gathers, analyzes, and interprets (scientometric) data to ...
The Catalogue Management group procures new acquisitions on behalf of the subject librarian and records the metadata of these media. The group also deals with the management of metadata.
The EU wants to increase offshore wind energy capacity from the current 12 gigawatts (GW) to 450 GW by 2050. The international research initiative HIPERWIND involving ETH researchers is developing ...
The village of Brienz/Brinzauls in the Canton of Graubünden was evacuated for the second time in November 2024 because of the threat of another landslide. Jordan Aaron, an expert in engineering ...
Here you will find the prerequisites of the Student Exchange Office for exchange studies. This page also explains what is necessary for successful preparation and what you should pay attention to ...
- students from the European Union, insofar they work or run their own business or are family members from persons staying in Switzerland due to the "Agreement on the free movement of persons (AFMP)".
The Innovation Project is a project-based engineering design course. Bachelor’s degree students studying mechanical engineering go through a production development process in their third semester.
Das Innovationsprojekt ist ein projektbasierter Konstruktionskurs. Bachelor-Studierende in Maschineningenieurwissenschaften durchlaufen im dritten Semester einen ...
3D printers for metal are not new, but they have been affordable only for large companies. However, there is also a demand for such printers among SMEs. This would require the printers to be smaller, ...
Damit die Drucker kleiner werden, haben Stephan Steiner und sein Team ein komplett neues Anlagendesign entwickelt. Anstatt der üblichen drei Bereiche für den Pulvervorrat, der Baukammer und dem ...
At ETH Zurich, positions at the assistant professor level are aimed at promoting the careers of young scientists and at giving them the opportunity to gain further scientific qualifications in view of ...
Mit Mikropartikel aus hauchdünnen Blättern können Medikamente über die Blutbahn punktgenau zu einem Tumor oder einem Blutgerinnsel transportiert werden. Ultraschall und andere akustische Verfahren ...