Mumbai: Kurla police have registered a case of theft against unidentified persons for allegedly stealing three gold bangles from the hands of Kaneez Fatima Ansari (55) who died in the Kurla bus ...
Fatima Kaniz Ansari, 55, was among the seven persons who died after being mowed down by the BEST bus in Kurla area here on Monday, they said. Ansari, who worked as an attendant at a hospital ...
MUMBAI: The police have started a probe after a viral video showed some people stealing jewellery and other valuables of a victim of the Kurla bus mishap, identified as Fatima Kaniz Ansari ...
In the Kurla BEST bus accident, the Kurla police have registered an FIR against an unidentified individual for allegedly stealing the gold bangles of 55-year-old deceased Kaneej Fatima Ansari ...
According to a report by India Today, the deceased woman was identified as Kanis Fatima Ansari. Her son, Abid, expressed dismay, saying, “Unfortunate that people are snatching from the dead.
The bus eventually came to a stop after hitting the wall. The dead have been identified as Kannis Fatima Ansari, Shivam Kashyap, Afreen Abdul Salim Shah, and Anam Shaikh. Meanwhile, on Tuesday ...
MUMBAI: Kurla police have registered a case of theft against unidentified persons for allegedly stealing three gold bangles from the hands of Kaneez Fatima Ansari (55) who died in the Kurla bus ...