The series, created by Mark L. Smith and directed by Peter Berg, stars Taylor Kitsch, Betty Gilpin and Dane DeHaan.
As we sadly leave the holidays behind, we're going to need some serious cheering up and a much-needed detox from all those Christmas films we've been binge-watching non-stop. There are plenty of new ...
This is a project that will rise and fall on the strength of its action, adventure, thriller, suspense, and survival sequences.
American Primeval is a sprawling, epic TV series, one that feels both deeply indebted to the Westerns of old and a purposeful rebuke of them. Present still are the genre’s John Ford-esque cloudless ...
It’s important to desanitize the Hollywood fantasy of the Wild West and confront our own history. But this Netflix series is grim to the point of cruelty.
Creator Mark L. Smith's six-episode examination of scruffy, vicious people traversing the Utah Territory in 1857 also stars ...
Betty Gilpin and Taylor Kitsch headline "American Primeval," Netflix's dirty but delicate tale of intrigue and brutality ...
Around the same time, a young Indigenous woman named Two Moons (Shawnee Pourier) flees from her Shoshone tribe after killing ...
A brutally violent but compelling Western starring Taylor Kitsch and Betty Gilpin, Netflix's ‘American Primeval’ is a fascinating tale.
Lights" creator Peter Berg makes the wild west look like hell on Earth in "American Primeval." There's some good between all ...
American Primeval” is a Netflix series starring Taylor Kitsch, Betty Gilpin, and Dane DeHaan. In the ever-expanding universe of streaming content, Netflix brings us “American Primeval”, a six-episode ...
We begin with Sara (Betty Gilpin) and her son Devin (Preston Mota) heading west to reconnect with Sara’s husband, though it’s unclear whether he is expecting, or even desiring, their arrival. Jim ...