Investigation ongoing as cause of death remains unknown for the 12 people found in the dormitory of an Indian restaurant - ...
The coming days may not be easy, but as Türkiye, we will continue to walk shoulder to shoulder with the Syrian people,’ says ...
Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) announced that it has distributed food parcels to 625 families in Syria's Tel Rifaat region on Saturday. In a statement released by AFAD, it ...
Naredni dani možda neće biti laki, ali Turkiye će nastaviti da stoji rame sa sirijskim narodom, rekao je Hakan Fidan na ...
Ardahan'da etkili olan kar ve tipi nedeniyle araçlarıyla yolda kalanlara çorba ve kumanya ikramında bulunuldu. - Anadolu ...
Президент Грузии Саломе Зурабишвили присутствовала на демонстрации сторонников Европейского союза (ЕС) в столице страны ...
Во встрече в Акабе принимают участие министры иностранных дел Иордании, Турции, США, Саудовской Аравии, Ирака, Ливана, Египта ...
- Le chef de la diplomatie turque, Hakan Fidan, a également insisté sur l'importance de respecter et de protéger les minorités en Syrie lors d'une réunion qui s'est tenue en Jordanie - Anadolu Ajansı ...